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Pastor DJ Harry
De-Calvinized - A Non-Calvinistic Perspective on Romans 9
Does Romans 9 teach Calvinism? This seems like a simple question. In this extensive article we take an expositional look at Romans 9.
Pastor DJ Harry
5 Reasons Why We Embrace the Parable of the Prodigal Son
Part of our Culture His posterboard message was simple…John 3:16. Though few people know his name, Rollen Stewart singlehandedly took one...
Pastor DJ Harry
Your Culture is Showing! Cultural Context and Bible Interpretation
Recently I was teaching the Resurrection story to a group of kids in our church and I never considered how much culture would play into...
Pastor DJ Harry
Why do bad things happen (to good people)?
I’m sure you have either heard this question or asked this question. Why is this question so common? Because we seek justification for...
Pastor DJ Harry
The Danger of ‘Proof Texting’ Scripture
The accessibility of digital search features have made searching for ‘proof texts’ a commonplace occurrence in the lives of many...
Pastor DJ Harry
How do you eat a large, family-size Bible?
Question: How do you eat an elephant? Any elementary age riddler knows the answer to that age-old mind challenge. The answer, of...
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