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Pastor DJ Harry
5 Principles for Proper Discipline
I remember how confused I was as a father when it came time to discipline our first child.  It was both awkward and difficult to find the...
Pastor DJ Harry
9 Ways to Raise Brats!
GROCERY STORE DISASTER Have you seen grocery store brats? Here’s the scoop!!  Two weeks ago I was doing some last minute shopping in the...
Pastor DJ Harry
Taking Health for Granted…A Harsh Reminder!
When we are in good health we take it for granted so easily! Â We move in and out of everyday life without giving a second thought to...
Pastor DJ Harry
7 Steps to Successful Family Devotions
To begin with, this is not a step-by-step analysis of how I succeeded as a father every step of the way. I remember years ago being...
Pastor DJ Harry
My #1 Top Book for Families with Teens!
Every once and a while I run across a ‘top book’ that radically changes the way I think about an issue. Often these deal with ministry...
Pastor DJ Harry
5 Proven Tips to Help 100% of Children’s Church Workers
Christianity Today did a group of surveys in 2012 and found that 60% of churched kids will walk away by the age of 15. Why this exodus...
Pastor DJ Harry
Should Christians Really Use Facebook?
When Facebook was in its infancy, no one ever imagined that a social platform of that type could grow to over 1.6 billion active users....
Pastor DJ Harry
Christian summer camps are expensive!! What is their value?
It is that time of the year again…time to begin planning summer vacation, weekend trips to the mountains, and/or summer plans for the...
Pastor DJ Harry
Christians and Social Media (part 2)
How would you rate your social media presence as a Christian? Do your words and reactions demonstrate a Christ-like approach to dealing...
Pastor DJ Harry
Christians and Social Media
I remember the day I purchased my first cell phone. Â I can recall when my dad bought our first computer. Â I actually remember the day I...
Pastor DJ Harry
Encouraging Parents Regarding Their Children’s Education (PART 3)
If you have not had the opportunity to read the first two installments to this topic, I would like to encourage you to do so. Â Here are...
Pastor DJ Harry
Encouraging Parents Regarding Their Children’s Education (part2)
How engaged are you in your child’s education?  As we established in the previous post, it is the parents’ responsibility to oversee and...
Pastor DJ Harry
Encouraging Parents Regarding Their Children’s Education
The first 8 years that I spent in ministry were as a teacher in Christian education. Â I am now beginning my 12th year in the pastoral...
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