To begin with, this is not a step-by-step analysis of how I succeeded as a father every step of the way. I remember years ago being ashamed at the fact that, as a family, we weren’t taking time to build up our children in God’s Word. …and I was a pastor! The blame sat squarely on my shoulders. I was
1. Don’t Wing It!
You need to have a plan and that plan starts with the what of your Bible study. Whatever you do, don’t rely on the “hunt and peck method!” If teaching the truths from God’s Word is worth doing, it is worth spending resources to make sure you get it done! There are some great resources out there that are well written, doctrinally sound, and will help you accomplish long-term spiritual growth in your kids. I will list some ideas for devotions at the end of this article.
2. Schedule a Devotion Time
Nothing gets done if you don’t schedule it. It has to be a priority. When our kids were little, our Bible study time was right before bed. I would call the kids into the living room and they would all sit on a pillow on the floor. I remember those precious hours and the time we had establishing God’s Truth in their hearts! As our family grew older the evenings were no longer an option. Games, heavy homework loads, and concerts became the evening norm. We have switched to a morning time before the kids head off to school. Is this ideal? Well for our family it is what works. Find a devotion time that works and make it happen!
3. Pick a Spot for Devotions
Nothing helps more with consistency than consistency! Your children will become accustomed to the routine of family devotions and having it in the same place every time will help them be able to focus.
4. Stick With It
If you miss a few times, don’t worry about it. Pick right back up where you left off. Busy week at school and aren’t home three nights in a row? If you
5. Ask lots of questions
Make your time as interactive on your kids level as possible. Ask them lots of questions. Ask them ‘leading’ questions. These are questions that direct their thought so they will give an answer that leads you into a topic or issue you want to introduce. Not good at asking questions? That’s why you need to start forcing yourself. In time you will learn how to direct your child’s thinking through what you ask them.
6. Grow with your kids
Family Bible study helped me to grow! Spending time with my own kids in God’s Word helped me see how to better minister to other people’s children as a youth pastor. The beauty of learning alongside your own children is that ‘you are what you are’ to them. There is no expectation of grandeur or perfection. You will get better, though, as you teach your own children.
7. Start Devotions Today!
The number one step is to start today. It is so easy to put off to tomorrow the things that are important.
Have you used other materials for your family devotion time? Click below and share them! We could all use help finding new resources.
DJHarry Isaiah 64:8 We are the clay!
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